THE Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) announced that the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) has agreed to modify its operational guidelines for the proposed regulation mandating the registration and monitoring of containers, reports Malaysia Business Insight.
The PPA will subject the implementing operational guidelines of Administrative Order 04-2021 to a pilot implementation and will amend them accordingly to address problems that may arise.
The regulatory impact submission (RIS) of PPA was given a good practice rating by ARTA, scoring 36 out of 40. Although no details were provided, the AO has faced opposition from business organizations who claim it adds costs and burdens.
ARTA conducts regulatory impact assessments (RIA) to ensure that proposed regulations do not add undue burden or cost to stakeholders and to prevent overlapping regulations.
A proposed regulation may undergo pilot implementation to assess regulatory impact subject to agency heads' clearance if necessary.
RIA enables policymakers to evaluate the impacts and consequences of different policy options to make informed decisions.
The heads of agencies have the discretion to implement a regulation despite the results of ARTA's assessment.