挪威Reach Subsea公司接收首艘Reach Remote无人水面航行器
作者: 发布时间:2025年01月19日 浏览量:77 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Offshore Energy 2025-01-19
翻译:国际海事信息网 檀智 张运鸿
挪威Reach Subsea公司已接收其首艘无人水面航行器(USV)Reach Remote 1,标志着技术安装、测试和文档工作的完成。
据Reach Subsea公司称,该公司于2025年1月16日与康斯伯格海事公司和特罗斯维克公司共同完成了最终交接。
Reach Remote 1是一艘24米长的无人水面航行器,配备了船体安装的勘测传感器和一款工作级电动遥控潜水器(ROV)。公司指出,它代表了一种全新的海底作业方式,提供了效率、安全性和可持续性,与传统有人驾驶的船舶相比,排放量可减少90%。
2024年3月,Reach Subsea公司海上发射了其Reach Remote无人水面航行器舰队的首艘航行器,该公司表示,这将“彻底改变海上海底作业,符合可持续性倡议”。
Reach Subsea公司Reach Remote业务副总裁比约格·马蒂森·多文表示:“Reach Remote是一次非凡的旅程,它汇集了康斯伯格海事公司、Reach Subsea公司和马斯特利公司的独特专长,共同塑造无人海上作业的未来。我们很高兴看到Reach Remote 1扬帆起航,并为其首次任务做好准备。”
Reach Subsea公司表示,在试点项目中,Reach Remote 1将执行包括勘测、ROV干预、检查、维护、修理(IMR)和监测在内的各种任务。海上作业将覆盖北海和挪威海的多个生产油田,如特罗尔油田、古尔法克斯油田、斯诺雷油田和奥斯加德油田。
Reach Subsea公司还透露,它计划开始对第二艘无人航行器Reach Remote 2进行海上试验,预计不久后交付。
Reach Subsea公司首席执行官约斯坦·阿伦达尔表示:“我们已经达到了一个新的里程碑,很高兴正式开始作为试点项目一部分的演示。这些无人水面航行器在市场上引起了强烈兴趣,我们预计将在2025年利用这一投资。”
Norway’s Reach Subsea has taken delivery of its first uncrewed surface vessel (USV), Reach Remote 1, marking the completion of technical installations, testing, and documentation.
According to Reach Subsea, the company completed the final handover today, on January 16, 2025, together with Kongsberg Maritime and Trosvik AS.
The Reach Remote 1, a 24-meter USV, is equipped with hull-mounted survey sensors and a work-class electric remotely operated vehicle (ROV). It represents a new approach to subsea operations, offering efficiency, safety, and sustainability, including a targeted 90% reduction in emissions compared to traditional crewed vessels, the company noted.
In March of 2024, Reach Subsea sea-launched the first unit of its Reach Remote fleet of USVs, which would, as the company says, “revolutionize offshore subsea operations, aligning with sustainability initiatives”.
“Reach Remote is an extraordinary journey, bringing together the unique expertise of Kongsberg Maritime, Reach Subsea, and Massterly shaping the future of uncrewed offshore operations. We are thrilled to see the Reach Remote 1 set sail and prepared for its first mission,” said Bjørg Mathisen Døving, VP of Reach Remote at Reach Subsea.
The vessel will now be prepared for its inaugural pilot project involving Equinor, TotalEnergies, and other “major energy companies”.
The Reach Remote 1 will be deployed for a variety of tasks during the pilot project, including surveys, ROV interventions, inspection, maintenance, repair (IMR), and monitoring. The offshore operations will span production fields in the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea, such as Troll, Gullfaks, Snorre, and Åsgard, Reach Subsea said.
Reach Subsea unveiled that it also plans to begin sea trials for its second uncrewed vessel, the Reach Remote 2, with delivery anticipated shortly after.
“A new milestone has been reached, and we are pleased to officially begin demonstrations as part of the pilot project. We are experiencing strong market interest in these USVs and anticipate capitalizing on this investment in 2025,” said Jostein Alendal, CEO of Reach Subsea.