




飓风 “艾达 ”过后,路易斯安那州港口急需联邦援助

作者:   发布时间:2021年09月19日    浏览量:807   字体大小:  A+   A- 

飓风 “艾达 ”过后,路易斯安那州港口急需联邦援助

来源:American Shipper 2021-09-17
翻译:国际海事信息网 顾晋瑄 张运鸿
        9月7日,位于新奥尔良(New Orleans)、巴吞鲁日(Baton Rouge)、福琼(Fourchon)、摩根城(Morgan City)、普拉克明(Plaquemines)、圣伯纳德(St. Bernard)、南路易斯安那(South Louisiana)和特雷波恩(Terrebonne)等地区港口联合向总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)提交申请,意指确保其能将港口纳入国会的紧急拨款法案中。
        新奥尔良港口(Port NOLA)总裁兼新奥尔良港口(Port NOLA)首席执行官Brandy D.Christian在一份声明中表示:“风暴过后,我们码头工作繁忙,火车也在运行中,但是我们仍需要克服一些挑战,才能恢复到风暴发生前的水平。”
        8月30日,飓风 “艾达 ”以4级风暴在路易斯安那州东南部登陆,迫使诺拉港口(Port NOLA )和其他墨西哥湾(Gulf Coast)沿岸的港口采取预防措施关闭码头。
        据发布消息称,美国海岸警卫队(The U.S. Coast Guard)表示路易斯安那州东南部的几条关键水道仍然处于关闭状态,包括拉福克湾(Bayou Lafourche)、霍马航道(Houma Navigation Canal)和海湾内航道(Gulf Intracoastal Waterway)的部分航段。
        据美联社(the Associated Press)报道,拜登于9月3日访问了路易斯安那州,走在新奥尔良受重创地区的街道上了解灾情。拜登还在该州被飓风 “艾达 ”破坏的部分地区低空飞行以查看情况。
        拜登于9月3日宣布纽约(New York)进入紧急状态,此次风暴造成数十亿美元的损失后,其为该州的恢复工作分配了联邦资源。
Louisiana ports push for federal aid following Hurricane Ida
Several south Louisiana ports have partnered to request federal assistance as a result of the impact of Hurricane Ida on their infrastructure, waterways and communities.
The ports of New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Fourchon, Morgan City, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, South Louisiana and Terrebonne jointly submitted a request to President Joe Biden on Sept. 7, intending to ensure ports are included in bills for urgent funding from Congress.
“Our wharves are busy post-storm and trains are moving, but we still have challenges to overcome in order to get back to previous levels,” Brandy D. Christian, president and CEO of the Port of New Orleans (Port NOLA), said in a statement.
Hurricane Ida made landfall in southeast Louisiana as a Category 4 storm on Aug. 30, prompting Port NOLA and other Gulf Coast ports to close as a precaution.
By Sept. 2, Port NOLA resumed limited operations and became fully operational Sept. 7, five days after the hurricane.  
The U.S. Coast Guard said several key waterways across southeast Louisiana remain closed, including Bayou Lafourche, Houma Navigation Canal and portions of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, according to a release.
“Obstructions to the affected waterways are being identified and removed to restore the area to pre-storm conditions,” the Coast Guard said in a statement Thursday.
All of the waterways are routes used by oil field vessels, fishing boats and other marine traffic.
To date, 25 obstructions — mostly fishing, crew and offshore supply vessels — have been identified in the Bayou Lafourche channel.
Coast Guard crews have also removed 15 of 30 submerged obstructions identified in the Houma Navigation Canal. 
Hurricane Ida killed at least 14 people in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama and at least 48 in the Northeastern U.S., according to reports.
Biden visited Louisiana on Sept. 3, walking the streets of hard-hit neighborhoods in New Orleans, according to the Associated Press. Biden also took a flyover tour of parts of the state damaged by Hurricane Ida.
Biden declared a state of emergency for New York on Sept. 3, allocating federal resources toward the state’s recovery after the storm caused billions in damage.
In Louisiana, damage to maritime facilities and infrastructure have caused closures or delays in everything from grain terminals to barge tows and other marine traffic, officials said. 
Christian, who is also CEO of the New Orleans Public Belt Railroad, said Port NOLA and the belt railroad supports nearly 120,000 jobs and generates an economic impact of nearly $30 billion.
“To restore this economic engine fully and preserve the thousands of jobs that depend on it, we respectfully ask that the White House urgently request funding from Congress to address these issues as soon as possible to help us collectively move forward from these significant impacts.” 
