“FSO Nabarima”号侧倾 一油轮授命卸载原油
作者: 发布时间:2020年10月23日 浏览量:1050 字体大小: A+ A-
来源:Marine Link 2020-10-20
翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿
翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿
Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,委内瑞拉国家石油公司Petroleos de Venezuela(PDVSA)运营的一艘油轮周二接近了一艘浮式储卸油船(FSO),出于对环境的顾虑,该公司预计将在那里通过海上转运方式来转移原油。
有相关画面显示该FSO向一边倾斜,因此,在过去两周里环保组织表示了对“FSO Nabarima”号可能泄漏130万桶原油的担忧。“FSO Nabrima”号隶属PDVSA与意大利埃尼集团(Eni SpA)合资建立的Petrosucre石油公司。
一位知情人士周一向路透社表示,PDVSA目前计划通过一种船对船(STS)转移方式,从FSO上卸下部分原油。该方式涉及其旗下的一艘“Icaro”号阿芙拉型(Aframax)油轮。Refinitiv Eikon的数据显示,“Icaro”号在当地时间下午2:37(世界时间 18:37)接近“FSO Nabarima”号。
特立尼达和多巴哥当局表示,他们计划对这艘船进行检查。这艘船位于两国之间的帕里亚湾(Paria Gulf)。
PDVSA持股74%,埃尼持股26%的Petrosucre在华盛顿于2019年1月对PDVSA实施制裁后不久就暂停了产量,因为制裁使该公司失去了以前主要的原油买家、PDVSA在美国的炼油子公司Citgo Petroleum。
美国于2019年12月对“Icaro”实施了进一步制裁,原因是该船向古巴运送委内瑞拉石油产品。古巴是委内瑞拉总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)的主要海外盟友之一。特朗普政府正试图推翻马杜罗,称其为独裁者。
Tanker Approaches Listing FSO Nabarima to Load Crude
An oil tanker operated by Venezuelan state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela on Tuesday approached a floating oil facility where it is expected to receive crude via transfer at sea amid environmental concerns, Refinitiv Eikon data showed.
Environmental groups have in the past two weeks expressed concern about a potential spill of the 1.3 million barrels of crude aboard the Nabarima oil facility - part of the Petrosucre joint venture between PDVSA and Italy's Eni SpA - after images showed the vessel tilting to its side.
PDVSA now plans to offload some of the crude on board via a ship-to-ship (STS) transfer involving the Icaro, an Aframax vessel it owns, a person familiar with the matter told Reuters on Monday. The Refinitiv Eikon data showed the Icaro approached the Nabarima at 2:37 p.m. local time (1837 GMT).
The Venezuela-flagged barge Inmaculada was also expected to participate in the STS operation, which carries its own set of risks, according to a person familiar with the matter and a document seen by Reuters.
PDVSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Authorities in neighboring Trinidad and Tobago have said they planned to inspect the vessel, which is located in the Paria Gulf separating the two countries.
Petrosucre, which is 74% owned by PDVSA and 26% owned by Eni, suspended output shortly after Washington sanctioned PDVSA in January 2019, as the sanctions deprived the company of its former main crude buyer, PDVSA's U.S.-based refining subsidiary, Citgo Petroleum Corp.
The United States in December 2019 placed additional sanctions on the Icaro vessel itself for delivering Venezuelan petroleum products to Cuba, one of President Nicolas Maduro's main overseas allies. The Trump administration is trying to oust Maduro, whom it labels a dictator.