




塞斯潘:订造两艘24000 TEU集装箱船

作者:   发布时间:2021年02月10日    浏览量:1214   字体大小:  A+   A- 

塞斯潘:订造两艘24000 TEU集装箱船

来源:Marine Link 2021-02-08
翻译:国际海事信息网 王雅媛 张运鸿
       香港船东塞斯潘公司(Seaspan Corporation)宣布,已向一家未具名的“大型”船厂订购两艘24000TEU装箱船,这两艘集装箱船是该公司拥有的第一批超大型船舶。
       截至2020年9月30日,塞斯潘在全球范围内的船队共拥有127艘船舶,运力约107.3万TEU。此外,在2020年12月,塞斯潘宣布了一项协议,将建造5艘12200 TEU的新船。加上今日宣布的两艘,公司将在未来两年为船队增加10.9万TEU的新运力。
       作为Atlas Corp.的全资子公司,塞斯潘表示,公司将通过额外借款和手头现金为收购提供资金。
Seaspan Orders Two 24,000 TEU Containerships
Seaspan Corporation announced it has placed an order with an unnamed "major" shipyard for two 24,000 TEU containerships, marking the Hong Kong-based shipowner's first ultra large vessels.
The new ships are scheduled for delivery from the first quarter of 2023 and will enter 18-year charters with a global liner customer, Seaspan said,
As of September 30, 2020, Seaspan’s global fleet consisted of 127 vessels and approximately 1,073,000 TEU. Additionally, in December 2020, Seaspan announced an agreement for five newbuild 12,200 TEU vessels which, together with the two vessels announced today, will add 109,000 TEU of new capacity to the fleet over the next two years.
Bing Chen, Chairman, President and CEO of Seaspan, said, “By combining our key core competencies of creative partnerships, quality growth and disciplined capital allocation, we have developed compelling newbuild opportunities to continue to fuel the company’s growth and enhance our competitive advantages. With newbuild slots scarce in today’s market, we have been consistently meeting our liner customers’ needs while maintaining our return discipline and prudent capital allocation. Upon their completion, these seven best-in-class newbuild vessels are scheduled to consistently add to our fleet beginning late this year and extending through 2023, supporting our strategies to continue generating quality growth and creating value for our shareholders.”
Seaspan, a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlas Corp., said it will finance the acquisition from additional borrowings as well as cash on hand.
