




英国Avenir LNG公司启动针对瑞典轮渡运营商的首次生物液化天然气供应作业

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英国Avenir LNG公司启动针对瑞典轮渡运营商的首次生物液化天然气供应作业

来源:Offshore Energy 2024-07-31

翻译:国际海事信息网 杨皓然 张运鸿


        总部位于英国的液化天然气及生物液化天然气主流供应商Avenir LNG启动首次针对瑞典格特兰航运公司(Rederi AB Gotland)的分公司——瑞典轮渡运营商Destination Gotland的生物液化天然气的供应。


        针对此次作业,Avenir公司在瑞典维斯比港部署了一艘名为Avenir Aspiration的7,500立方米的两用液化天然气加注供应船。


        Avenir公司 ISCC 认证的生物液化天然气燃料生产于欧洲,并在比利时泽布吕赫港装船交付


        Destination Gotland公司首席执行官马库斯-里斯贝格(Marcus Risberg)表示“我们致力于为瑞典本土和哥特兰的客户提供舒适可靠的通勤服务。使用生物液化天然气为我们向大家提供可持续化的服务方式创造了一种可能,从而进一步减少船舶营运对环境和人口的影响。


        Avenir LNG公司总经理乔纳森-奎恩(Jonathan Quinn)指出 “作为一家领先的小型液化天然气供应商我们公司拥有着全球最大的液化天然气燃料船队其一,我们不断努力为客户提供安全、可靠和高效的燃料,同时尽可能最大限度地减少对环境的影响。建立新的生物液化天然气供应链是我们公司的全球核心发展战略。


        2022年,英国Avenir公司与瑞典Destination Gotland公司签署了一份多年期合同,承诺RoPax双燃料MS Gotland号和MS Visby号渡轮供应液化天然气。自此以后Avenir公司每月在瑞典维斯比港和尼纳沙姆港开展多达20次船对船ship to ship)液化天然气加注作业。




Avenir starts delivering bioLNG to Swedish ferry operator


UK-based midstream LNG & bioLNG company Avenir LNG has conducted the first bioLNG delivery to Swedish ferry operator Destination Gotland, a subsidiary of Rederi AB Gotland.


For this operation, Avenir deployed Avenir Aspiration, a dual-purpose, 7,500-cubic meters LNG bunkering and supply vessel, in the Port of Visby, Sweden.


The ISCC-certified bioLNG was produced in Europe and loaded into Avenir’s bunker vessel at the Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium.


Marcus Risberg, CEO of Destination Gotland, said: “We are committed to provide comfortable and reliable transport services for our customers between the Swedish mainland and Gotland. The possibility to use bio-LNG ensures that we can provide our services in an even more sustainable way, thereby reducing the impact on the environment and population.”


Jonathan Quinn, Managing Director of Avenir LNG, commented: “As a leading supplier of small-scale LNG and owner of one of the largest global LNG bunker vessel fleets, we strive continuously to provide safe, reliable and efficient fuels whilst minimizing the environmental impact for our customers. Setting up new bio-LNG supply chains is at the core of our global growth strategy.”


In 2022, Destination Gotland and Avenir signed a multi-year contract for the supply of LNG to the dual-fuel RoPax ferries MS Gotland and MS Visby. Since then, Avenir has conducted up to 20 ship-to-ship LNG bunker operations per month in the Swedish ports of Visby and Nynashamn.
